Monday, August 30, 2010

Finding God (Part II)

Despite popular belief, people aren't typically saved by going to church.

As controversial as that might sound, if you search the scriptures, you'll find that most people don't have their first real encounter with God in a place of worship.

See Moses (Exodus 3), Jacob (Genesis 32), and Paul (Acts 9).  They all are devout Jews who probably went to synagogue routinely.  However, they all have their first real encounters with God outside of the church during their daily routines. 

That tells us three things:

1. You can be in church all your life and never develop a personal relationship with God.

2. God is not restricted to the four walls of the church.

3. God meets people where they are.

That's why God instructs to "set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity" in 1 Timothy 4:12. He wants us to let our lights shine in all that we do, so that people might have a personal encounter with God wherever we go.

See, He knows that people aren't saved by going church. Rather, people get saved by watching real Christians live their lives for God.

So, don't restrict God to the four walls of the church. He can do ANYTHING with ANYBODY ANYWHERE.

God bless,

1 comment:

  1. I never realized those Biblical examples until you mentioned those. I just felt it intuitively.
