Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Leaving Your Legacy

"The wise shall inherit glory, But shame shall be the legacy of fools." ~ Proverbs 3:35

God is a God of generational legacy.  That means, whether good or bad, the things we do today have an effect on the lives of others for years and years to come.

The life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a perfect example.  By being a leader for civil rights for all people, Dr. King had a profound effect on the lives of every person reading this post.  He understood that the things he did 60 years ago would affect our lives in 2010 and beyond.  He understood the concept of generational legacy.  It's what his "I Have A Dream" speech was all about.

So, like Dr. King, I challenge you all today to make the most of every day God gives you.  The lives of millions and millions of people may depend on it.

God bless,

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