Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Who's In Your Fave 5?

"Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful" ~ Psalm 1:1

A few years ago, wireless carrier T-Mobile started a new cell phone plan called The MyFaves Plan. The idea was to offer an unlimited calling cell phone plan to your 5 "faves," i.e. the five people you talked to the most.

Essentially, these people were your inner circle - your parents, your spouse, your siblings, your best friends - and the plan would allow you to talk to these 5 people whenever you want for one low monthly cost.

In conjunction with the new plan, T-Mobile launched an advertising campaign entitled "Who's In Your Fave 5?" In the running series, young NBA star Dwayne Wade tries desperately to get in veteran hall-of-famer Charles Barkley's Fave 5, only to regret it once Barkley lets him in (see video below).


So... My question to you today is, "who's in your fave 5?" More importantly, who's fave 5 are you trying to get in?

They say you are the company you keep, so who are those 5 people you talk to the most, hang out with the most, communicate with the most, trust the most? More importantly, who are those 5 people who influence you the most?

Show me your fave 5 and I'll show you where your life is headed.

You are the company you keep!

God bless,

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