For those of you who truly know me, you know that I love to write. Whether it be rhymes, songs, or simple ramblings of my scattered thoughts, writing has always been something that has come naturally to me. In having conversations with God over the past few weeks, and in having read the book "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren over the past few days, I've come to discover a new purpose for my life, one that I previously did not realize existed. In chapter _ of "The Purpose Driven Life" entitled "Becoming a World-Class Chrisitan, Rick Warren urges his readers to develop the ability to look beyond the natural, to look past the physical environment and circumstances in which we currently find ourselves, and to look at things from God's perspective, i.e. to look at the bigger picture. We serve an awesome God, one who can not only deal with the small details of our individual lives, but one who also has ability to see and move on a global scale.
Jesus' last command was to go and preach the gospel to the nations, and that is exactly what we ought to be doing. Enough of churches existing only between its 4 walls. As Christians, we are called to go out into the highways and by-ways, and not only preach the gospel, but also to set an example in the way that we live our lives. Most times, it's not what you SAY, but what you DO that has the greatest impact on others.
Additionally, in this same chapter, "Becoming a World-Class Christian," Mr. Warren also urges us to "journal our journey," to write down the things that God has done for us, and the lessons we have learned along the way, so that we might look back and see how far we've come. Moreover, Mr. Warren urges us to "journal our journey" that we might help others by passing on our knowledge and wisdom we've gained from our life experiences.
During my short time here on earth, I've been blessed to have been given a vast amount of wisdom through the experiences I've had, which few have known because I'm both young (so they count me out) and quiet (so they write me off). But I thought it was time to share a bit of what I've learned with the world, to "journal my journey" so that I might help others who may have dealt or may still be dealing with the things I've been through in the past.
As such, this is the first of many daily journals that I will be sharing with you all from day to day and week to week, in hopes that they might inspire, education, empower, and inform. All will not be spiritual in nature. Some will deal with social issues, topics of the day, or just random thoughts that I may have. They also won't be long. But all will have a message that I hope will push you to think about your life, your purpose, and your destiny in ways you've never thought about them before. Even if you don't read them all, please forward them to those you know. You never know what someone might be going through and may need to hear at the time.
So until next time, I ask that you all pray for me, that God might continue to use me to build His Kingdom here on earth the best way I know how. It's not always easy when your vision and purpose is unique. Sometimes you stand alone. But I know that, just like each and every one of you, God has a purpose for me and that my experiences are meant to help someone else. May He continue to bless you all.
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