Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Direction

In the spirit of returning to one's roots, I decided to post my very first journal entry to Journal Your Journey. The reason - expansion. I've decided to expand my web presence in an effort to have my writings more accurately reflect the entirety of who I am.

So, from this point forward, Journal Your Journey will contain my purely spiritual/inspiration thoughts and opinions.

As such, stayed tuned for my new music and entertainment blog, where I'll express my feelings on the direction of current music, television, film, and theater scene, coming soon! Also, look out for the return of Leave Your Legacy, where I'll express my thoughts and opinions on the current political and social events of the day - particularly as we head into this new Presidential administration!

So stay tuned as I try to target my writings to a bigger audience and bring you even more content, opinion, and knowledge. In the meantime, enjoy the very first installment of JYJ as I set the stage for a new and improved series of writings. A new me for a new year.

God bless,

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