Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Only Jesus They See

I used to make the mistake of thinking that if I could just impart Godly principles to an unbeliever, I could bring him closer to Jesus. If I could just get him to think more positive. If I could just get him to stop cursing. If I could just teach him the principles of sowing and reaping. If I could just teach him that it’s more blessed to give than to receive. If I could just get him to do all these things, God would do the rest. There was no need to introduce him to Jesus, because when he started to change his life, he would naturally come to Jesus.

As I’ve grown older, however, I realize that I had it backwards. Teaching an unbeliever the principles of God does not bring closer to Him. Rather, giving people Jesus brings them to closer to his principles. Once people meet Jesus, he begins to transform their minds and their lives. But Jesus is the way to change. He’s the only way to real transformation. Any other type of change will be short-term and fleeting, but once a person meets Jesus, his/her life will be changed forever.

So, for those of you who don’t know Jesus yet, please understand that he is not some invisible force that is looking to control your life and stop you from having fun. Rather, Jesus is very real and he will grant you the peace, freedom, and happiness that you seek in other places (the club, drugs, sex, alcohol, friends). Once you meet Jesus, he will completely transform your life forever. Just try Him. Just for month, give your life completely over to Him. Just pray the simple prayer of salvation at the bottom of the screen, and make a commitment that for a month, you won’t make your own decisions, but that you’re going to put your faith in Him, that you’re going to allow Him to be the decision-maker in your life. Just for a month. I guarantee He will change your life, if you just try Him.

And lastly, for those of you who know Jesus already, stop trying to change the people around you. That’s God’s job. We are called to plant seeds. It’s Jesus’ job to water and nourish the plant that grows from the seed. But if a person doesn’t know Jesus first, then his growth, his change, will not last. It will be short-term and fleeting. So, instead of telling people how to live, let’s show them how to live. Let’s be a living example. Let’s show the love of Jesus through our lives. Let’s be a witness to the type of extraordinary life one can live if he places his faith in Jesus. The best witness you can give is not through words, lecturing, or nagging, but rather through a transformed life of your own. Only then will this world, this lost generation, truly see Jesus here on earth. We have to be their Jesus.

God bless,

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