Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Judgment vs. Fruit Inspection

"If you are wise and understand God’s ways, prove it by living an honorable life, doing good works with the humility that comes from wisdom." ~ James 3:13 

In today's culture, there's a certain sensitivity around judgment and "being judged." So much so that any critique, criticism, or words of wisdom is characterized as one person judging another. 

But be clear, there's a difference between judgment and fruit inspection. God cautions us against judgment - that is, making a final determination about someone or something based on a limited set of facts. The key word there is final. We should not be saying a person is going to hell, for instance, if we don't really know what's in the person heart. And even if we do know what's in their heart, we don't know how God might change that heart.

We can, however, inspect fruit. In James 13:3, the Word challenges us to live out what we claim through our conduct. So if someone asks you to trust them, but their conduct isn't trustworthy, it's perfectly ok to say so. Sometimes we can act as mirrors to others to show them where they really are in life. God calls us to live in truth. Knowing the difference between living in truth and living in judgment will be key to us living out our purpose.

May what you claim in word show in your conduct. And if it doesn't, may God send people and revelation into your life to show you the discrepancy. 

God bless,


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