Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Perspective (Part 3)

"Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus" ~ Philippians 2:5

When I speak of character development, people often become confused, or even indignant. When I tell people that God wants to develop their character, they immediately think or say, “I’m not a bad person” or “I don’t do anything wrong.”

But in the words of Dr. Dharius Daniels, character development is not just about moral modification. It’s not just about what you do or how you behave. Character is defined as the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual.

So, when we talk about character development in Christian contexts, it should not just be about whether you have the moral qualities of Jesus - that is, do you adhere to the Ten Commandments or something of the sort. It should also be determined by whether you have the mental make-up of Jesus. Do you think like Jesus? Is your perspective aligned with God’s? Are your views, opinions, and thoughts a reflection of God's views, opinions, and thoughts?

In Philippians 2:5, Paul encourages us to have the “mind of Christ.” It’s not until you look at situations and circumstances in your life and think and react to them like Jesus that your character is fully developed.

Do you have the mind of Christ today?

God bless,

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