Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Building Your Ark

A few weeks ago, my Pastor preached one of the best messages I've ever heard. It was all about preparation, told through the story of Noah. Noah built his ark in preparation for the rains and flood that were to come. You can (and should) listen to that entire message here.

Today's message is what I sent to members of my church family after that message. I pray it edifies you. Enjoy!
Building your ark isn't just about adopting a new strategy. For instance, if you want to start a new business, it's not just about writing your business plan. Or if you're trying to get financially free, it's not just about getting out of debt. It's about building your structure (your life) in a way that's sturdy enough to withstand the weight of what's to come but hollow enough to float under pressure.  
Building your ark requires you to add to your core. But it also requires you to carve - that is, to cut off dead weight that might be holding you down or causing you to sink.
Building your ark is comprehensive. It's not just making sure your rudders or your mast is built solidly. It's about making sure your entire structure is on point.  
Remember Pastor's analogy about being a talented baker. You can be the best cook in the world but if your timeliness suffers, you'll never fulfill your full potential and accomplish purpose.  
Make sure you're building those ancillary skills needed to become sturdy enough to hold both people and animals but light enough to float in water. As you build your ark, make sure your construction is comprehensive. It requires adding on and cutting away.
God bless,

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