Monday, August 14, 2017

Stumbling Blocks (Part 4)

Over the last several posts, we’ve been talking about stumbling blocks. In Part 1, we talked about why stumbling blocks exist (to knock us off balance). In Part 2, we talked about what/who stumbling blocks are (often people close to us). In Part 3, we talked about how stumbling blocks occur (through false or mis- conceptions of who you are). Today, let’s talk about when stumbling blocks come.

In Matthew 13:24-30, Jesus tells a parable about the Kingdom where a man (God) sows good seed (peace and blessings) in a field (your life). But, verse 25 says “while everyone was sleeping,” the man's enemy (Satan) comes and sows weed (stumbling blocks) in the field. Thus, when the seed sprouts, the weeds also appear.

So, what does this parable tell us about the appearance of stumbling blocks in our lives?

Well, according to Jesus, stumbling blocks are planted in our lives when we're asleep. Naturally, it would then be wise for us to "stay woke." Merriam-Webster's dictionary defines the term "stay woke" as "a watch word... for those who [a]re self-aware, questioning the dominant paradigm and striving for something better."

Thus, could it be that God is telling us that when we don't stay woke, we allow weeds into our lives. That is, when we: (1) are not aware, (2) do not question dominant culture, and (3) fail to strive for something better, we give the enemy room to plant stumbling blocks in our lives?

Proverbs 4:23 tells us to, “above all else, guard [our] hearts, for everything [we] do flows from it.” It’s when we’re not on guard, i.e. when we’re asleep, that the enemy attacks.

Thus, “stay woke” shouldn't be just a trendy saying nowadays. Rather, it can be guidance and direction for how to keep stumbling blocks out of our life.

Stay woke fam!

God bless,

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