Thursday, August 10, 2017

Stumbling Blocks (Part 3)

On Monday, we looked at examples of close relationships (e.g. husband-wife, mother-son, mentor-mentee, etc.) that ultimately resulted in one party leading the other astray. Today, let's delve further into one of those relationships.

Take Jesus' relationship with Peter.

Peter was Jesus’ right-hand man (Matthew 16:15-19). He was a strong, devoted, loyal friend to Jesus. But Peter was also flawed. Just a few short verses after praising Peter, Jesus rebukes him (Matthew 16:23).

At first glance, it might seem as if Jesus was being harsh. Peter simply loved Jesus, so much so that he didn’t want to see Jesus suffer. But Peter’s wrong perceptions skewed his understanding of Jesus’ purpose, and ultimately opened the door for Peter to be used by the enemy to create a potential stumbling block for Jesus.

In Matthew 16:23, Jesus tells Peter, “you do not have the concerns of God in mind, but merely human concerns.” And therein lies the rub. The fact is, we’re all human. We all make mistakes. We all have flawed understandings and perspectives. We also get caught up in "merely human concerns," just like Peter. And this is the reason why we can’t rely on our friends or relatives to give us sound advice. We're all susceptible to "Matthew 16:23" type moments.

So, remember, just because someone is close to you, doesn’t mean they know what’s best for you. And just because someone wants what’s best for you, doesn’t mean they know what’s best for you. God’s perspective is always right. Seek His perspective before you seek anyone else’s.

God bless,

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