Monday, August 23, 2010

Finding God (Part I)

"Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'" ~ John 14:6

Despite our many differences, as human beings, we all essentially desire the same things – that is, love, peace, companionship, happiness.

The problem is, however, that most of all look for those things in the wrong places.

Some of us search for it in drugs and alcohol. Others try to find it in the acquisition of material possessions. Some of us try to find it in yoga, or in religion. Some of us even search for it in other people.

At best, however, these sources can only provide artificial, temporary satisfaction.

The fact is that true love, peace, companionship, and happiness can only be found in Jesus Christ. He is the only way and those that seek to find true happiness must come through Him.

To be continued...

God bless,

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