Monday, February 4, 2008

Message To The Readers

Dear Journal Your Journey reader,

I just wanted to take the time out to say thank you to everyone who reads Journal Your Journey on a regular basis. As you have probably noticed, I have been posting more frequently than usual over the last couple of weeks. As I mentioned in one of my most recent posts, God has recently closed a door in my life. But with the closing of one door comes the opening of another. And so I count it all joy, as it has allowed me more time to share with you the things that are on my heart. And as I continue to share and give of myself through the Journal Your Journey series, there are a few things that I need from you as well.

First, please, please, please keep giving me feedback on the journal. Whether it’s through an e-mail or by commenting on the site, your feedback is the only way I know that the journal is actually touching your life. My goal in doing this is to encourage other people and to let them know that they can have the best out of life. And likewise, as I encourage other people, I ask that you continue to encourage me with your thoughts and opinions on the various subjects that I address in the Journal. Please don’t be afraid to share as I continue to share the things that are on my heart and mind.

Second, in keeping with the theme of giving feedback, as you may have noticed, I have been going back and forth between sending my messages directly to your e-mail inboxes and sending the link to the site by e-mail to you when new entries are posted. While I’ve gotten different responses as far as preferences, I would like to hear from you on which way you would prefer to receive Journal Your Journey. Some have said that the presentation is better on the site, allowing them to read the entries more easily, while others like the convenience of receiving the actual entries right there in their inbox. My goal is to cater to you, to make it as convenient for you as possible. As such, I will do what the majority of you prefer me to do. So please send me your opinions. Either send me an e-mail or post a comment on the site:

Would you rather me: a) send the entries directly to your inbox, or b). Send an e-mail with the link to the site whenever new entries are posted?

Third, as many of you have been so kind in your feedback as to suggest that I compile my entries into a book of some sort, I want to encourage you to pass the messages on to those you know. When I first started writing the Journal, it was not to try to get a book deal (although that would be nice), or to gain notoriety, but to give back to people, to help them through the difficult and challenging situations that they may be facing. So, if Journal Your Journey has truly been a blessing to you, make sure to pass it on to someone else, as many of you have already done. Just like me and you, others need encouragement as well. So, pass the blessing on so that, together, we can make this thing an even bigger phenomenon that it already is.

Lastly, as we continue to move forward, I just want you to know that I am committed to keeping the messages positive, uplifting, and inspiring. When there is so much bad going on in the world, we all need a place where we can be inspired and empowered to become better, more knowledgeable and informed people, and I pray that in some small way, Journal Your Journey has helped to do just that.

God bless,


P.S. Don’t forget to send me your responses. Would you rather me: a) send the entries directly to your inbox, or b) send an e-mail with the link to the site whenever new entries are posted?

P.S.S. Please, please, please get out and vote either tomorrow (in New York and New Jersey) or next Tuesday (in Maryland). This country needs a change and it’s time for us to step up and make it happen. Barack Obama for President!

1 comment:

  1. I prefer the link because when you include videos and such in the blog I would prefer to actually visit your site.
