So as I share her writings with you today, I encourage you all, that if you feel so led to do so, to please share your journey with me so that I might share it with others. If interested, just click "View My Complete Profile" under "About Me" on the left side of the site. There, you can e-mail me and I will share your message with the other JYJ readers. God bless and enjoy today's message.
My Thought for the Week
As many of you know, I speak to this often… especially when I’m affected by yours...
They vary in size, typically off-white in color. An enamel-front rimmed with pink. Encased by two soft and ever so sensual kissers which-- when in perfect alignment, seemingly form a half-moon rotated 90 degrees clockwise. This simple tool of empowerment can set off a chain of reactive events, creating joy and painting the world beautiful, one by one, two, three. This is where the journey begins…
Yours can…
Ravage tension and hatred
Encourage the tearful to dry their eyes
Heal a broken spirit
Cause onlookers to blush
Add flavor and a fresh perspective
Give hope to a discouraged child
Bring peace to a discorded mind
Speak the language of a loving heart
Cause the pain to cease
Prompt a stranger to stop and stare…
Become a natural remedy
Live on in the heart of another
Set you free from emotional enslavement
Spread kindness
Define happiness
“CHEESE” or a few fingers to the waistline, neck or back of the knee can spark an instantaneous response!
“CHEESE” or a few fingers to the waistline, neck or back of the knee can spark an instantaneous response!
Oftentimes, resembling the little man on the tropical punch kool-aid packet-- during full ear to ear extension.
What I am writing about, not only penetrates but awakens the soul
What I am writing about, not only penetrates but awakens the soul
Somewhere, someone is inspired by and addicted to
your smile…
Much love and encouragement,
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