For those who haven’t studied or don’t believe Biblical prophecies about the end times, this information will be tough to understand. However, for those who know about the end time and understand that we are living in the last days, this information will make perfect sense to you.
In the Bible, we are told about a beast (the Antichrist), who will come to the earth, unify the nations, perform miracles, and mimic the spirit and essence of Jesus, the true Messiah. His agenda is to unite all people of the world under one government, one religion, and one currency. To accomplish this goal, Satan uses people in high places to carry out his agenda. That is why in Ephesians 6:12-13, it says, "for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in high places."
What you are about to see is proof that Satan’s agenda is beginning to take shape and that the end is truly near. I bring this information to your attention, not to scare you. I am not some strange conspiracy theorist who hears voices and believes that Elvis and Tupac are still alive. I am, however, a realist, and thanks to my pastor in Baltimore, fairly knowledgeable about the end times.
So, in conclusion, I say to you, be careful who you trust, and be careful who you choose to vote for in this next Presidential election, because there is a force trying to manipulate world events to bring about the birth and culmination of the Antichrist. Some of the people who you think you can trust, i.e. President Bush, Bill and Hilary Clinton, Al Gore, and others), may not be so trustworthy after all.
P.S. Please don't let this be the end of your research on this topic. Look further into this. Watch the related video clips that come up at the bottom of the screen at the end of this clip. Research things like the Bohemian Club, the Illuminati, The Skull & Bones Society of Yale University, the Council on Foreign Affairs, the Federal Reserve, the New World Order, Word de-Population, Lord Maitreya, and the AntiChrist, and you will see some frightening connections between the people in power in this country and around the world.
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