Thursday, December 3, 2020

Read It In Context

"The generous soul will be made rich, And he who waters will also be watered himself." ~ Proverbs 11:25 NKJV

It's important we don't take scriptures out of context - either out of the context of the scriptures around it or the context of the entire Bible.

Generosity is one key to God's blessings over our life. But it's just one key. It's also important to be obedient, to be diligent, to be temperate, and to be a good steward. That's why it's important for us to read the whole Bible and not just pieces. 

One could read today's scripture and think that the being generous is to key to becoming rich. But you can give all of your money away and violate the principle of being a good steward. Just like you could focus on saving and miss the generosity principle found in today's scripture. 

The Bible is designed to put up guardrails on our life. One scripture might reveal one principle that God wants you to follow. But there's a wealth of other wisdom found in the Bible that will ultimately give you a full picture of what God wants for your life.

Let's read the whole Bible in context today fam.

God bless,



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