Thursday, November 5, 2020

Patience vs. Comfort

"Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded towards one another, according to Christ Jesus..." ~ Romans 15:5

Often times, if we're honest, practicing patience can be difficult and uncomfortable.

So, it's interesting that Paul would call God the God of patience and comfort. Seemingly, those two things don't go together.

In fact, they feed and fuel each other.

The more we practice patience, the more comfortable and "second nature" it becomes.

Likewise, the more we rest and find comfort in Jesus, the easier it is to practice patience.

God is the God of the oxymoron. He can take two seemingly opposing things and make them happen in our lives.

His strength is shown through our weakness. We gain our life by losing it. We become great in the Kingdom by humbling ourselves. And patience and comfort come from the same God.

In the words of Paul, may the God of patience and comfort bless you today.


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