Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Cancel Culture ≠ God's Way

"Therefore be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful." ~ Luke 6:36 NKJV

Cancel culture is plaguing our society. 

But scripture instructs us to show mercy just as God has shown mercy to us.

When we sit on our high horse and shun people to the point of cancelling them, we are violating the very essence of Christianity. 

Christianity is rooted in the notion that mankind is imperfect and needed a Savior to redeem it. We all need that Savior. Every last one of us. Each and every day.

Canceling others without showing mercy is to be like the Pharisees, who Jesus called out for their hypocrisy. 

Our faith teaches us to go into all the world, preach the Gospel and make disciples. So how can we reach the world if we cancel it?

Show mercy today fam. 

God bless,


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