Friday, October 23, 2020

A Reminder of Our True Selves

"You forgave the iniquity of your people and covered all their sins." ~ Psalms 85:2

Ego and our own self-absorption often pushes us to have a distorted view of ourselves and our behavior.

This leads us to often deny our faults and gloss over our shortcomings.

But the perfect posture before God is brokenness. It's something to be embraced.

God shows His strength in our weakness, but we block that demonstration when we lead from our own strength and not from our own weakness.

In a culture that is enthralled with the projection of strength, we can forget that we are human and are not perfect.

The beauty of the Gospel is in today's scripture - that God forgave us and covered our sins, even while we were still sinners.

God bless,


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