Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Each According To His Ability (Part 4)

While each of us is given our own gifts, talents, and abilities, there are some abilities that God gives to all of us. Those include: (a) the ability to move mountains (Matthew 17:20) and (b) the power to loose and bind (Matthew 16:19)

One ability that we often miss or ignore, however, particularly in Christian circles, is found in Deuteronomy 8:18.

God says He has given us the power to get wealth. And while He gives some of us more of this ability than others (Matthew 25:15), He's given all of us this ability in some way, shape, or form.

That said, most Christians wait on God to do miracles in their lives, particularly when it comes to their finances. We often take a Red Sea approach, assuming that God will step in and create miracles out of thin air.

But Deuteronomy 8:18 says that God has given us the power to get wealth. That means we must be active participants in our wealth accumulation.

Yes, God parted the Red Sea, but the Israelites had to participate in their escape from Egypt. Moses had to be obedient and confront Pharaoh. The Israelites had to be obedient and follow Moses to the wilderness. And ultimately, Moses had to raise his staff in obedience to God's Word for the sea to part. The Israelites, led by Moses, were active participants in their deliverance.

The same is true when Jesus fed the five thousand in Matthew 14:13-21. God provided the increase but the boy and the disciples provided the raw materials.

In short, God wants to give us increase but he's waiting on us to act.

Make no mistake, this is not a prosperity, name-it-and-claim-it message. The Bible does NOT teach that everybody is called to be rich. Rich Christians are NOT better nor more faithful than less well-to-do Christians. Again, God gives each according to our ability (Matthew 25:14-30). Some of us are called to be rich and have more resources. Some of us are called to have less. The Bible even says that the poor will always be among us (John 12:8).

We all have a responsibility to manage what we have well.

What the Bible DOES teach is that God will supply all of our need (Philippians 4:19). The Bible DOES teach that we are to be the head, not the tail (Deuteronomy 28:13). That applies whether we're rich or poor. And while wealth looks different for everybody, God unequivocally says that He's given all of us the power to produce it in some way.

The question is, how are you using that power today?

God bless,

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