Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Each According to His Ability (Part 1)

This culture we live in seems to be obsessed with two things - popularity and fame. Kids grow up wanting to be like celebrities. Adults idolize and admire the same.

But the Bible says that God has plans for our lives (Jeremiah 29:11) - specific, distinct, and individualized plans. Matthew 25:15 says that he gives us talents, "each according to his ability." Romans 12:6 says we're each given different gifts, "according to the grace given to each of us." Romans 12:4-5 says that although we are one body, we all have different functions.

Part of the problem with our culture nowadays is that we have too many "eyes" trying to be "ears." And too many "feet" trying to be "hands."

God has given you gifts, no matter how small, because you have a special function He wants you to play. Your gifts have been given to you for a reason. But that reason will never come to pass if you're trying to exercise someone else's gift.

Are you operating in your function today?

God bless,

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