Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Power Source

"...I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst." ~ John 6:35

Have you ever been out and about and notice your cell phone running out of battery power? You then scramble around trying to find a source to which you can connect and restore your phone to its optimal state. If you're like me, you may have worn your cell phone out so much that you're constantly looking for a plug or outlet wherever you go.

The same thing can happen to us spiritually.

We're so busy nowadays that we often run out of fuel and go searching for replenishment, i.e. some power source that will fill us back up. For some, they run to drugs. For others, it’s alcohol. For some, it’s people (spouses, boyfriends, girlfriends, friends with benefits, etc.). For others, it's things (materialism, clothes, cars, houses, jewelry, etc.).

But you can never meet a spiritual need with a physical source. Physical connections address physical needs, but will never address a spiritual issue.

The fact is, we all have a God-sized hole in our heart that can only be filled by the One for whom it was made. Dr. Dhanus Daniels says that our hearts are a throne, not a couch. We can't have multiple people or things on the thrones of our heart. There’s only room for one. And we were built to be forever connected to the Ultimate Power Source.

So, who (or what) do you have on the throne of your heart? Is there something you run to instead of running to God? If so, I guarantee you, it'll leave you eternally empty. Connect to the Ultimate Power Source and be forever filled.

God bless,

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