Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Assignment Bureau (Part 8)

All throughout the Bible, we see evidence of God’s predestination power at work.

He predestined mankind to have dominion over the earth (Genesis 1:26-28).

He predestined Moses to lead the Israelites out of bondage (Exodus 3:10).

He predestined Joseph to become a ruler in Pharaoh’s kingdom (Genesis 37:5-7).

He predestined Jesus to die for our sins (Isaiah 53:5-10).

If you are a child of God, that means God has predestined you for something as well.

The key is to discover what that is. 

What did God predestine you for? If you've already discovered it, what are you doing to pursue it? If you haven't, what are you doing to discover it?

He’s waiting for you to act.

God bless,

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