"Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin my mother conceived me." ~ Psalm 51:5
Often times, as humans, we think that because something feels natural to us, that it’s the right thing to do. We say things like, “follow your first instinct,” “whatever feels right to you,” or “if it feels right, do it,” as a way to facilitate this philosophy.
But the Bible says that we were born in sin and shaped in iniquity. Our natural state is sinful.
Emotions can be fleeting and feelings can change, but the Word is always consistent. That’s why we need to look to the Bible and God’s Holy Spirit to lead and guide us in the right direction we ought to go.
Wouldn’t you rather base life’s decision on something solid and stable rather than something that changes with the wind? I know I would.
God bless,
What do you think? Was this helpful? Is there something to be said about a woman’s intuition or a gut feeling? Am I totally wrong? Let me know what you think – I love to hear from my readers. And please share this message with others if you think it will help them. Thanks so much and God bless!
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