Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Waiting IN The Lord

Waiting IN The Lord
by Rev. Janis Barnes

"I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope" ~ Psalm 130:5 NIV

Along this Christian journey, God will tell us one of three things: yes, no, or wait.

For many of us, waiting is the hardest thing to do.  We can deal with yes or no, but waiting is beyond our comprehension.  For many of us, we've been praying and praying for years and yet God still says wait. Sometimes, we might get to get discouraged and want to quit.

But don't give up hope!

See, during those times of waiting, God is preparing you for what you have prayed for. Often times, there's a reason behind the waiting.  We either may not be ready for it or it just may not be time yet.

In those times, we must learn how to wait IN the Lord.

Waiting IN the Lord requires being active in serving the Lord! Study His word, work in various ministries, help someone who is less fortunate. You will be so busy in the Lord that the waiting begins to be a blessing! Before you know it, the Lord will reveal and answer your prayer!

Wait IN the Lord!

1 comment:

  1. I was just talking to my mentor right before reading this. Like you said, I can deal with yes or no, waiting is the hard part. Thank God that we're not waiting alone. I needed this. Thanks!
