Thursday, July 1, 2010

Spreading The Gospel (Part I)

One area in which I struggle as a Christian is in boldly professing my faith in Jesus Christ. Yes, people know that I'm a Christian, but, in an attempt to avoid ramming my faith down people's throats, many times I find myself holding back from sharing the gospel that I've come to know with others.

While this is directly due to my personality, when you stop and think about it, in a way, it really is a selfish way of living. Here it is that God has given me this powerful gift and told me to share it with others, but for whatever reason, I'd rather keep it all for myself.

No! See, God calls us to be lights in dark places (2 Peter 1:19), a city set on top of a hill (Matthew 5:14), witnesses for Him (1 John 5:10). So, if you're hiding your light from the world, what type of witness are you being for Him?

God bless,

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