Friday, July 16, 2010

Brotherly Love

When I first began writing Journal Your Journey some 3 years ago, I had very little plans for it. There were no grand schemes and no large blueprint for where it should go. My goal was simply to share my life story with others who might be going through the same experiences.

Inspired by the book The Purpose Driven Life and its passage on journaling one’s life journey, I pushed past thoughts of doubt about how effective this blog could actually be, and fear of putting my life out there for all to see, and I opened up my heart to the world, hoping that someone might be changed and/or touched by what I wrote.

In doing so, I am humbled and honored to know that this blog has touched many of your lives. Thank you for being a part of my journey and allowing me to speak into your lives through this blog.

Today, I am proud to make a big announcement – the addition of a new co-author to Journal Your Journey.

Meet Daniel Robertson. He is my brother, both personal and spiritual, the best man at my wedding, and a reader of Journal Your Journey. Last night, Danny asked if he could be a part of Journal Your Journey and I immediately agreed. He is truly a man of God that has a story to tell. I am grateful to have him on board.

Moving forward, both Danny and I will be sharing our hearts and souls with you through this blog. As you will see, the entries in this journal will continue to be messages filled with truth, hope, and love.

So, enjoy as you walk the journey of two born again sinners blessed by God to be a blessing to others. We look forward to journaling our journey with you.

God bless,

P.S. Stay tuned for Danny’s first blog entry coming soon!

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