Friday, June 18, 2010


“But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” ~ Isaiah 40:31

Waiting is often the most difficult part about being a believer.

Whenever God promises us something, He often delays its manifestation.

For instance, over 10 years ago, God gave me a vision for a fledging entertainment company. He told me that it would touch millions of lives and that I’d have influence over large amounts of people. But, it’s only after years of waiting, of starts and stops, of periods of success and failure that I can now see the plan starting to come together.

Over 4 years ago, God initially gave Michele and I a vision to write a script based on our lives. He told us that it would touch over 15 million people and be a huge success. But it’s only after years of waiting, of drafts and edits, of visions and revisions, of idleness and lulls that we now have an opportunity to show it to larger audiences.

The point is that, as Christians, at some point along the line, we will have to wait. There’s absolutely no way around it.

The question really is, “how well will we handle our periods of waiting?”

Will we get impatient and do things our own way? Or will we trust God to bring about the plan in His own time?

The key is to seek God, for He promises to renew our strength… if we wait on Him.

See, God knows that our times of waiting are really periods of testing; and by testing us, He makes us better Christians; through trials and tribulations, He builds character in us; and in delay, He increases our faith.

In a world full of instant gratification, God knows that we will only appreciate those things that He makes us wait for.

So what are you waiting for today? Seek God in your periods of waiting and watch as He renews your strength.

God bless,

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