Friday, June 25, 2010

Running From God

Have you ever found yourself running from God?

Have you ever found yourself so scared of what He might say or think about your behavior that you constantly try to avoid Him. You read, watch TV, hang out with friends, surf the net - anything, to avoid quiet time alone with Him.

It's like when you were a child, and you got sent to the principal's office. You knew he or she would eventually tell your parents about your behavior. So, what did you do? You'd try to avoid going home and facing them for as long as you possibly could.

The thing about God, though, is that you can never really run from Him. No matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, He's still going to be there, chasing you down.

The great thing about having a relationship with God, though, is that no matter what you do, think, or say, you can always face Him and expect no condemnation.

See, God knows who you are and sees everything you do, so nothing is a shock for Him. Despite who you are and the bad things you do, He says I love you anyway - in spite of your shortcomings. That's the type of God we serve - one who lovingly opens His arms to you no matter what you do.

He's waiting to have a real, honest, and truthful conversation with you. All you have to do is stop running, open your heart, and let Him in. He'll do the rest.

God bless,

"There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit." ~ Romans 8:1

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