Friday, May 28, 2010

Open Doors

"You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe —and tremble! But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead? ~ James 2:19-20

In the Christian community, there’s a cliché that's pretty popular – “God opens doors that no man can shut and shuts doors that no man can open.”

But what happens when God opens a door? Are we, as Christians, automatically guaranteed success? What lies on the other side is undoubtedly a blessing, but do we automatically receive that blessing simply because God opened the door? Is our success solely reliant on God’s work or do we have some responsibility?

As many doors as God might open for us, we won’t actually receive the blessing that awaits us if we’re not prepared and positioned to walk through the open door.

Perhaps it’s because we’re carrying so much spiritual baggage that we’re no longer able to fit through the door that God has opened for us. Or perhaps we’ve made our own plans and have decided to stand in front of the wrong door, expecting God to bless our mess. Or maybe we’re just so afraid of what lies beyond the door that we remain paralyzed by fear, and miss our opportunity to walk through the open door.

Whatever the reason and whatever the excuse, God does not expect us to be passive in our walk with Him. He’ll open the door, but we have to walk through it. God will make a way out of no way, but we have a responsibility to walk boldly in that way.

The Bible says that faith without works is dead - and that's true. You can have all the faith you want, but if your faith is not matched with some corresponding action, you’ll never achieve everything that God has in store for you.

Walk boldly in the path that God has laid out for you today!

God bless,

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