Monday, February 1, 2010

What Are You Hearing?

"So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." ~ Romans 10:17

One of the areas in which I struggle the most as a young Christian is in the things I listen to and watch. For instance, sometimes, I listen to Hot 97, where the songs are all about getting drunk, being promiscuous, and irresponsible. I tell myself I just like the style of music.

Sometimes, I watch movies where the subject matter is overtly sexual or violent. I tell myself I just like watching movies.

Sometimes, I watch way too much TV. I tell myself I'm just taking some time to relax.

But like the saying goes, you are what you eat.

God says that faith comes by hearing and hearing by His word. So, what are you hearing today? Are the things you listen to or watch pleasing to God? More importantly, are they properly feeding your spirit?

God bless,

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