"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." ~ Matthew 6:34
As an innate planner, I often worry about the future.
"What will I do?"
"How will I react?"
"What if things don't go right?"
As a result, I am often consume with "what ifs" and "could be's."
But God tells us not to do that.
He tells us not to worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself.
You see, seize the day should not just be a cliche we say. As Christians, it ought to be a lifestyle we live, for in the end, all we have is the present.
So, TODAY, focus on being the best you that you can be, and let God worry about tomorrow.
God bless,
The Winans - "Tomorrow"
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