"Delight yourself also in the LORD, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass." ~ Psalm 37:4-5
June of this year will mark the second anniversary of the beginning of Journal Your Journey.
Throughout my time writing these messages, many have written to me to express how much JYJ has been a blessing to them.
While I’m definitely appreciative and grateful that my messages have served to touch so many, if I am being honest, for the past two years, I have written my messages with only one person in mind – myself.
Not in any sort of selfish way.
No, rather, I’ve used this journal to preach to myself, to help me get through some tough times, to help me stay sane, and to give me strength and inspire me as I went through the travails of life.
You see, sometimes you just have to preach to yourself. When no one else is around, when no one else understands, you’ve got to feed your own soul. And that’s what this blog has been to me. Every message is a message that God has told me, for my situation specifically.
But here’s the amazing part.
The fact that it has touched so many other people’s lives is a testament to how awesome God is. He can take just a few words and have them apply to so many situations. He’s truly amazing!
For the past few months, I have been fasting and praying about something in particular in my life.
You see, God showed me what the end result would be, but many times, the circumstances I found myself in didn’t match up to what He told me.
As a result, all those messages about talking to God as a friend and trusting Him no matter what was for me as I was going through my situation.
Well, yesterday, after months of praying and waiting, it finally came to pass.
What God showed me finally happened.
And while it didn’t happen when I wanted it to and in the timeframe that I set, it happened!
More importantly, it happened when it was supposed to happen.
I tell you this, not to brag or boast, but to encourage you.
If there’s something in your life that you’ve been waiting for, be encouraged.
If God said it would happen, it will happen.
But it will only happen in His time, when He deems it right.
You see, while you wait, there are some things He’s working out in you.
More importantly, there are some things He wants to see in you.
Yes, God is watching you to see how you react.
Everything is connected, so make sure your response to your circumstance is in line with how God would want you to respond. Otherwise, you will delay your promise.
God only gives to people who are ready to receive.
So prepare yourself to receive today.
God bless,
His timing truly is perfect! I love you, J! Congratulations!