Thursday, April 17, 2014

#PassionWeek - #Thursday - "I'm Searching for a Real Love"

Today, 2014 years ago, Jesus washed his disciples feet in an expression of love. Afterwards, He told them, “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you” (John 13:15).

Unfortunately, however, our generation has distorted and perverted what it means to love someone.

We talk about it like it’s some fleeting emotion that we fall in and out of.

But truth be told, love is not an emotion.

It’s a series of behaviors by which we provide a service to others.

For instance, God didn’t love us simply by verbally or internally expressing his feelings towards us. Rather, John 3:16 says He loved us by giving his His Son’s life for us. God performed an act of service for us, which John 15:13 explains is the ultimate expression of love.

My question: when you say you love someone, are you saying you just have positive feelings towards them? Because that’s not real love. Real love is action. It’s not about what you say or feel, it’s about what you do. #PassionWeek #Thursday #EasterIsComing

God bless,

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