Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Walk The Plank

"Why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye?" ~ Matthew 7:3

It’s funny how people spend so much time criticizing others rather than focusing on how they can become better people themselves. The very people who have the most work to do on themselves are most often the first people to judge. In fact, their judgment often acts as a mask, a distraction to elevate themselves over others to avoid dealing with their own insecurities and flaws.

But if each of us would spend time asking God how we could be better people rather than focusing on how we can tear each other down, our lives and relationships would flourish. We wouldn’t have time to critique others because we’d be so busy critiquing ourselves; and we would become better people as a result. And becoming a better person would automatically make us better mothers, better fathers, better sisters and brothers, better friends.

So, are you focusing on your plank or somebody else's speck?

God bless,

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